Barbara Tezeno,
Ville Platte
Dear Editor,
I am the aunt of Samuel Anderson (Sam) who was found guilty ... by a jury. Some say I should not have associated myself with such a person on national television. Ouch! After receiving strange looks by a few, it reminds me that there are judges outside of the legal system. You only heard a portion of my story from television, so let me present my case for the sake of my friends, others who were kind enough to speak with me directly and not misjudge me and for those who seek to live by God’s word.
It is my time to endure the critics and criticisms. The best book tells me that there will be good days and there will be bad days, but every day is the day that The Lord has made and He tells us to rejoice and be glad in it!
I continually send my condolences to Ms. Ann’s family. No one has the right to take anybody’s life - Rich, Poor, Black, White, Latino, etc. Every victim deserves justice. Situations such as fleeing to Mexico or paying off the decease’s family should never be an acceptable method to escape punishment for taking anyone’s life.
I was asked IF I think Samuel Anderson is guilty. IF I had said no, I would have been judged because of my relationship to Sam; IF I had said yes then I would have heightened the minds of those who do believe he is and join those who allow injustice based on a homemade case rather than irrefutable evidence. However, here is my response! Given that a person’s life is turned into the hands of people, a decision of that magnitude should never be left to an opinion. It should be left to indisputable “EVIDENCE!” One of the statements I made on national television is that we were hoping for a different verdict, and I made that statement based on the lack of evidence presented against Sam.
State’s Evidence - A confession statement from Sam, and though test(s) showed he was under the influence, state says he knew what he was saying.
Defense’s argument: Test(s) showed he was under the influence that caused imprecise thinking and he was coerced into giving a confession statement.
I can understand that it is a normal tactic to lie to suspects in an attempt to gain the truth, but to camouflage that one can be in a right frame of mind under the influence is a bit much to buy into. I cannot relate because I have zero experience with illegal drug use. However, I do believe that a medical degree is not required to know that IF you put the wrong thing into your body, then expect a negative effect. When he was arrested, I was startled by his demeanor that looked atrocious and it spelled out under the influence.
State’s Evidence - The murder weapon was found in Sam’s backpack.
Defense’s Argument/Common Sense: Sam was apprehended in Kinder, LA as a murder suspect. His bag was searched for “safety” reasons, however, the claim was that it was not thoroughly searched, if the state lies to get the truth from suspects and it’s accepted (understandably so), then why wasn’t a murder suspect’s bag thoroughly searched to gain the truth. The truth which would show that the murder weapon was in Sam’s possession before he arrived to Evangeline Parish. That would have been a pretty solid piece of evidence!
Assistant DA Marcus Fontenot screams out to the court audience and reminds them that I am Sam’s aunt and I did not contact the police department to investigate a possible suspect in this case. Members of the police department watch the same videos I watched and I cooperated to the fullest extent of the law.
His statement goes against good judgment! Wouldn’t I have been happy to contact the PD to tell them about a possible suspect other than Sam? Don’t assume I was the lawyer trying this case. It was my job to cooperate and let the authorities do their jobs. Someone failed to do their job Mr. Assistant DA, but it wasn’t me.
Why not resort to DNA which dates back to as early as 1923 and used widely as late as 1985? It’s a gift that is exonerating so many innocent people who have been cut off from their families and society for years for crimes they never committed. In a sense, they are given a pat on the back and told - oops, by the way DNA evidence proven your innocence, return to your family, get a job because now we have the guilty person behind bars.
We were not fighting for Sam IF he committed the crime, we were simply asking the State to give him a fair trial and present their case based on the evidence that would unmistakably prove beyond a reasonable doubt that he committed the crime. That’s law in America!
My family (siblings) and I would be at peace and have accepted the verdict. I believe We ARE ALL AGAINST CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES! I definitely know I am!
This was not a cold case! But even in cold cases DNA evidence is one of the best evidence that provides the truth generally without question. Not even the old method of fingerprinting was utilized. Wow! What another crucial piece of solid evidence that would have proven “without a doubt!” I do endure sorrow for the victim’s family. Does anyone ever stop to think about the family of the accused? WE do not have closure! Understand - that although some guilty parties somehow escape being prosecuted and punished and some who are in authority allow it, there is One who knows all and sees all - His name is JESUS!
IF it is true that Samuel Anderson killed Ms. Ann, then he like every other criminal should be prosecuted and sentenced in accordance with the law. But there are more of us who are guilty. We sit in high authority and allow unrighteousness acts to consistently plaque our communities that lead to so many criminal acts upon other human beings.
Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin! James 4:17
To those who look at me strangely and don’t want to be around me because I’m associated with those you look down upon - KEEP LOOKING! People with the same level of thinking criticized Jesus who was without fault. Who did Jesus associate Himself with - sinners, whom does He say He came to see about? Be a living Bible and not your degrees or high social status or political connections. Someone said we cannot save all of them. I say we cannot save any, but we can provide them with the services, guidance and direction to which they can make their own choice to be saved by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! IF one is saved, remember the angels in Heaven rejoice! What about us?