Bishop Deshotel
With the approach of the Roman Catholic Church observation of the 2017 Lenten season, Bishop J. Douglas Deshotel of the Diocese of Lafayette would like to share the following message.
Lent—time time to renew our Christian vocation
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent. A period of prayer, fasting and charitable works. It is a time when we enter into the desert with Jesus who went into the desert for 40 days and 40 nights as He prepared for His great work of redemption. Our Blessed Lord fasted, was tempted by the devil and prayed. Thus was He prepared to undergo His saving suffering, death on the cross and resurrection to new and glorious life.
Our observance of the 40 days of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday Mass when we are marked with ashes in the sign of the cross. Ashes are an ancient sign of doing penance for our sins. They also remind us that our time through this life is limited. This is not a morbid or sad reflection but a wise one, calling us to focus on what ultimately really matters, the fullness of life with God forever.
The Church calls us to imitate Jesus in fasting during Lent. Fasting means doing without something which in itself is not sinful but may have some control over our lives. Some people give up a favorite food or drink, television time to spend more time with family or visiting the sick. Doing this reminds us of Jesus’ words, “Man does not live on bread alone but on every word which comes from the mouth of God.” Fasting also gives our free will a little exercise. Saying no to those things which are not sinful, makes it easier to say no to those which are sinful. As a minimum, Catholics are required to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday and all Fridays of Lent. All Catholics 18 to 59 are required to consume only one full meal on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
During Lent, we also imitate Jesus in prayer. The Gospels record for us that Jesus went into the desert to pray. They also record that He often spent time in prayer, sometimes the whole night, often in preparation for some important even or miracle He was to perform. Lent is a good time to renew our prayer lives if we have neglected it because of our busy lives or laziness. Many people go to daily Mass a little more often, recite the rosary during the day or at night with the family. Some just dedicate 15 minutes a day reading the scriptures, especially the Gospels. Prayer is communication with God and helps us put our lives in proper perspective.
In Lent, we also imitate Jesus in works of Charity. He gives us the example of helping those in need. Many people volunteer in a food pantry or clothes closet. Some visit the sick or shut-ins a little more often or donate funds to those in need. Jesus gave even His life for our salvation.
Entering the desert of Lent with our Blessed Lord helps us to participate with Him in the miracle of the resurrection. If we have followed Him in prayer, fasting and charitable works, we also follow Him in resurrection to eternal life.