Gazette Staff Report
Heritage Manor and the Ville Platte Police Department are teaming up to host a safe Halloween adventure! Heritage Manor invites your family to join them at the all new facility on October 27th from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Residents will be handing out candy in the hallways and there will be a costume contest. The residents will enjoy seeing all of the children in their costumes and the children will have a blast trick or treating door to door.
Age brackets for costume contest are: 0-2, 3-6, and 7-12.
Children must be in costume and must be accompanied by an adult.
Candy donations are also needed for the residents to give to the children. Please drop off your candy donation at the Ville Platte Polcie Department with Connie.
Heritage Manor is also looking for children who need service hours or youth groups to participate in a door decorating contest. Decorating will be done anytime after school. Get a group together and decorate a resident’s door. The door projects must be completed by October 24th to allow time for viewing and judging. Winning will be announced at the trick or treat event on the 27th.